The Chargé in Cuba (Briggs) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 10.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Embassy’s despatch No. 3051 of May 11, 1943,52 and to transmit three memoranda53 prepared by Mr. G. C. Howard54 and the Agricultural Attaché55 concerning conversations with representatives of the American Dehydrating Company of Cuba about that company’s project for large scale dehydration of vegetables under contract with the Commodity Credit Corporation. All the negotiations in connection with this project and contract have been carried on in Washington. These memoranda show the progress of that company’s plans involving the construction of several large dehydration plants in Cuba.
While the Embassy is in sympathy with the idea of producing dehydrated vegetables in Cuba, it anticipates that the company may have considerable difficulty in obtaining the steady supply of raw vegetables which would be necessary for the successful operation of this large project. The kinds of vegetables that are to make up 60 percent of the production under the contract have heretofore not been grown commercially in Cuba and apparently cannot be grown satisfactorily during the summer season. (See Embassy’s airgram A–887 of May 8; and despatch No. 3051 of May ll.56) For this reason it would appear to be advisable that the project be started gradually in order that experience from the operation of the first unit may serve as a guide for the other two or three units and possibly avoid the expenditure of valuable strategic materials in the construction of plants if difficulties are experienced in obtaining an adequate supply of raw vegetables.
In the last paragraph of enclosure No. 2 Mr. Howard states that, although the question of supply of equipment and materials for the [Page 229] construction of the plants is apparently being handled in Washington, it would be desirable if the Embassy could be informed as to what extra provision is being made for the steel, tinplate and fuel oil which will be needed for the construction and operation of these plants.
Respectfully yours,
Agricultural Attaché