740.00112A European War, 1939/27735: Airgram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Scotten)
A–399. Your A–527, March 26. The Department and Treasury Department concur in Legation’s view that coffee produced on expropriated [Page 104] Proclaimed List properties prior to the date of expropriation may be imported into the United States (assuming, of course, that the interests of the undesirable owner in the property have been eliminated and any proceeds effectively blocked), and you are authorized so to notify the local authorities.
In view of Department’s circular telegram of April 2, 1943,28 the Legation is requested to expedite all necessary action to permit the importation of the ten thousand quintals of coffee referred to in the airgram under reference on the above basis.
In line with this, you are authorized to recommend issuance of a license to import the coffee upon receipt of assurances that the properties in question will be expropriated without waiting for the actual expropriation to occur.
You should inform the Department of all applications being filed for licenses to import this coffee and whether the coffee covered thereby can be imported upon the above basis. The importer filing the application for the license should be requested to notify the Department of the number thereof, in which event action will be taken with a view to its early issuance.
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