740.0011 European War 1939/27476: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:20 p.m.]
163. For Secretary and Under Secretary and Duggan. Just came from Fernández. Informs me President has just signed the order for taking in 200 of the first order of enemy agents et cetera. This is to be done today. He said President displeased that no action taken to suppress certain papers. This was Morales’ job. I discussed these papers with him and urged action and found Fernández in complete accord. Called his attention to the fact that Chile does herself an injustice in not freezing credits at once since money frozen could be taken as compensation in event of damage by enemy nations, and urged that the secret committee working on it act. He agreed and promised to press the committee. He explained delay to fact that within 36 hours of rupture President had to leave for Viña where his son is gravely ill but he has returned. Annoying as this deliberation [is] it is typical and I am persuaded that with a little patience everything will work out very soon as we wish.
Am I right in assumption we have no objection to a representative of Chilean Government sitting in with our Black List man and the British since it apparently is done in Brazil. Personally see an advantage. Government primarily concerned in preventing if possible action seriously affecting national economy and since we with 2 to 1 have a majority this merely means the right of Chilean Government to consult with us. Call immediately attention Hull, Welles and Duggan.