740.0011 European War 1939/27704: Telegram
The President of Chile (Ríos) to President Roosevelt
I have the honor to advise Your Excellency that, after consulting the representative organs of national opinion and in accordance with our obligations of continental solidarity, I have just decided upon rupture of our diplomatic and consular relations with the Governments of Germany, Italy and Japan. I further advise Your Excellency of the firm intention of the Chilean Government and people to continue to cooperate within the possibilities which our means permit [Page 804] in the work of the defense of our Continent and of the democratic ideal in which Your Excellency and the great American people are engaged at so enormous a sacrifice. I have absolute confidence in a definitive triumph of the noble cause for which we are all striving and I hope that there will soon come days of peace which will guarantee respect for and independence of all peoples and which will make possible unselfish cooperation toward the resurgence and prosperity of those nations which today are bearing the cruel consequences of the war.