
The American Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aranha)79

No. 43

My Dear Mr. Minister: With reference to our conversations relative to the coffee agreement and exchange of notes signed on October 3, 1942,80 between our two Governments, I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that my Government, with the concurrence of your Government, will put the coffee accord into effect immediately.

As Your Excellency will doubtless recall, it has been agreed that after the quota year 1942/1943, my Government may dispose of any coffee remaining in its possession in any way it deems advisable, and may ship it to any destination whatsoever; however, my Government will advise and discuss with authorities of the Brazilian Government at the appropriate time with regard to plans for the disposal of this coffee.

If Your Excellency concurs, the operation of the agreement will conform to the points included in the attached memorandum.

With all good wishes,

Yours very sincerely,

[File copy not signed]

Memorandum by the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

Due to the acuteness of the shipping situation, my Government would find it convenient to take delivery of the coffee at the ports of [Page 688] Santos and Rio de Janeiro; however, it will purchase coffee in Vitória and Paranaguá, also, the quantities to be purchased at the latter two ports to be determined by mutual understanding.
My Government understands that any coffee which it may ship from its stocks in Brazil to the United States during the quota year 1942/1943 shall be replaced simultaneously with purchases in Brazil, but that this condition shall not apply after Brazil has shipped its basic quota of 9,300,000 bags.
My Government may utilize at any time during the quota year 1942/1943 any part of its stocks in Brazil for the shipment of coffee to countries other than the United States, for the armed forces of the United Nations, lend-lease and relief purposes.
My Government accepts the figure of 2,659,279 bags as furnished by the National Coffee Department, as the unshipped balance of the quota year 1941/1942.
Purchases made in Brazil by any agency of my Government (such as the Quartermaster of the United States Army) shall be credited against the commitments of my Government.
It is my understanding that the Brazilian Government agrees that any balance that my Government may have in Cruzeiros resulting from the operations of the Coffee Agreement may be converted into dollars for transfer to the United States at the average rate of exchange at which dollar drafts were sold in Brazil and shall be exempt from all banking commissions, taxes and fees.
I understand that the Brazilian Government agrees that if a firm declines to sell or deliver coffee in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, the National Coffee Department shall invoke the provisions of Resolution No. 480.
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 10494, March 20; received March 26.
  2. Not printed.