033.1110 Wallace, Henry A./10: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

342. For Vice President Wallace. The President and all Chileans elated over your coming visit and the press this morning announces it with a great flourish. You are extraordinarily popular here. I shall send you some suggestions and thumbnail sketches of personalities uncolored by local party considerations. Unless the Government insists on putting you up in an old mansion it owns, I assume, of course, you will be my guest at the Embassy. All I am insisting upon is a dinner to which the President and Ministers will be asked, followed by a reception to which Chilean officials, members of Congress, Army and Navy men, the Diplomatic Corps, and leading citizens will be invited.

I am hoping you come in early April rather than in March. Will keep you informed of the plans for your entertainment there. Am delighted that you are able to come and confidently expect very wholesome results. Here you will find a real democracy in which governmental actions come through democratic processes, sometimes slowly but soundly.
