732.62114/2a: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

A–1823. Reference Department’s instruction No. 4405 of May 1, 1943 and Embassy’s airgrams Nos. A–1045 of May 28, A–1070 of May 31, A–1075 of June 138 and A–1256 of June 17 regarding attitude of Brazilian Government toward accepting custody of prisoners of war captured by United States armed forces, please make it clear to Brazilian authorities that it is not the intention of this Government to transfer to Brazilian custody 3000 prisoners of war now in American hands but rather it is hoped that the Brazilian Government will assume custody of, and become the responsible holding power for, American-captured prisoners of war to a maximum of 3000 who may be turned over to Brazil by United States Navy from time to time to effect economies in transportation. Please emphasize that this Government has no intention of delivering to Brazil in one shipment the maximum number of 3000 and that this number might never be reached but that this Government wishes to obtain Brazilian consent to accept custody of prisoners of war taken by United States naval forces during the course of the war who can be more conveniently landed at Brazilian ports and whose transfer to the United States might require diversion of shipping.

Airgram report on attitude of Brazilian authorities requested.

  1. No. A–1075, June 1, not printed.