740.00114 European War 1939/3284
Memorandum by Mr. Randolph Harrison of the Division of the American Republics to the Chief of the Division (Bonsal)
Prisoners of War in Brazil
Mr. Bonsal: SD’s31 instruction no. 4405 of May 1 to Rio inquired if the Brazilian Government would accept “with the full rights and obligations of the captor power”, in accordance with the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention, Axis prisoners captured by U.S. forces up to a total of 3,000. This instruction was aimed specifically at the problem arising from the captured crew of a German submarine landed by the United States Navy in Brazil and turned over to the Brazilian authorities for safekeeping.…
[Page 630]The Brazilian Government has not yet agreed unequivocally to our request as is shown by A–1075, June l,32 and A–1070, May 31, attached hereto.33