832.24/1223: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

A–1111. Reference Department’s telegram 4136, December 31, 1942 and airgram 1040, March 10, 1943. Despite the information sent to the Embassy in the Department’s telegram under reference concerning the attitude of the Office of Lend-Lease Administration and the Board of Economic Warfare to the obtainance of supplies for the Brazilian arsenals through normal commercial channels as a duplication to the requisitions made by the Office of Lend-Lease Administration, the Department notices that Certificate of Necessity no. 4212 was jointly recommended by the Embassy and the Carteira for the 100 metric tons of zinc which were the subject of the abovementioned telegram. The application for export license for this material has been sent to the Board of Economic Warfare for consideration under Decentralization and as an approved Preference Request.

The Brazilian Military Attaché also submitted to the Department for transmittal to the Board of Economic Warfare an application for the 200 tons of aluminum which were also the subject of the telegram under reference. This application was unaccompanied by a Certificate [Page 623] of Necessity or Preference Request and is being returned to the Brazilian Military Attaché as not complying with the Decentralization procedure.
