
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Argentina (Reed)

No. 4891

Sir: There is enclosed a copy of a revision, prepared by the Department, of the memorandum of March 4, 1943 on economic policy towards Argentina. Copies of the revised memorandum, bearing the date of August 26, 1943, are being transmitted to the interested Departments and agencies of the Government.

You are requested to bring the new memorandum to the attention of the appropriate officials of the British Embassy and the Canadian Legation at Buenos Aires. The British Embassy and the Canadian Legation in Washington are being informed by the Department.

For your information, the memorandum of August 26 is based upon [Page 492] an acceptance of the belief that economic pressure will not change the course of Argentine foreign policy. On that premise, the aim of the memorandum is only to secure all the material advantages which the United Nations can obtain in Argentina while making as little sacrifice towards Argentina as is necessary in order to gain our material requirements.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Dean Acheson

Assistant Secretary of State

Memorandum for the Under Secretary of State on the Economic Policy Toward Argentina, Revised as of August 26, 1943

Objectives of Policy

To secure the optimum utilization of those critical materials or supplies which Argentina produces and which are essential for the conduct of the war;
To assure the maximum utilization of critical materials by the United Nations for supplying their needs and those of the countries cooperating with them in the war effort;
To make available to Argentina such critical materials as it may require for the attainment of the objectives set forth in paragraph (1) above; for public health and safety; and, in unusual circumstances, as compensation for goods or services furnished by Argentina which imply sacrifice to its internal economy.

Implementation of Policy

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5. Financial and Other Measures.

Extend no government credits of any kind to Argentina;
Continue to increase the effectiveness of the Proclaimed list through proper consignee control and supervision of imports from the United States and, through cooperation with the British, limiting imports from that country to proper consignees;
Increase the effectiveness of Navicert Control by again giving the Embassy the right to examine proposed Argentine consignees;
In collaboration with the Treasury Department, continue to strengthen the measures designed to cut off transactions involving assets within the United States or United States concerns, when such transactions may directly or indirectly benefit the Axis.