835.00/1643: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

1576. I had another long talk with the Foreign Minister this evening and found him discouraged about the general situation both internally and on the question of breaking relations. He says the opposition is deeply rooted and extends further than he had realized. It is centered in the Nationalists both in and out of the army. The opposition elements have even been able to prevent for the time being the calling of the Council of Notables, as they realize that the majority of those in the list he had given the President would favor a break. Storni was baffled as to who constituted the opposition elements as [Page 438] all officers and other[s] with whom he has spoken claim to be in favor of a prompt break in relations. He was however encouraged by the acceptance of Sánchez Sorondo’s resignation (he had apparently not heard the report of his arrest, see Embassy’s telegram now 1574, July 15, 9 p.m.35) and said 3 days ago the President called the higher army and naval officers together and gave them instructions to work on the younger officers who are apparently the stumbling block with a view to lining them up. He sees the President every day and hopes to have something more definite for me next week. Storni said both the Germans and Japanese are proceeding cautiously to avoid giving Argentine Government any issue on which to base a break. The Germans would, he felt, be very careful not to attack any Argentine ship and he was convinced would grant the navicert for Argentine tanker in Sweden (see Embassy’s telegram 1575, July 15, 10 p.m.35). As regards the Japanese he corrected the report I had heard that Japanese Ambassador in his last talk had assumed menacing attitude. On the contrary, he had gone out of his way to be conciliatory and it was he, Storni, who had taken offensive by saying that if Japan attacked an American country Argentina would immediately declare war. The Ambassador had replied that Japan had no such intention. Storni sarcastically remarked to me “It isn’t a question of their not wanting to but their not being able to”.

For these reasons Minister felt they could not count on provocation either by the Germans or the Japanese to base break in relations and Argentine Government’s action as he had all along favored would be based on Rio commitments. In fact, he had already had the decrees drafted along these lines.

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