740.0011 Pacific War/3309: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

1451. I have learned that the British Embassy in telegram sent London yesterday attributed to this Embassy the opinion that change in Argentine foreign policy might begin with severance of relations with Japan. By way of explanation I desire to say that about 3 weeks ago, my Brazilian colleague told me that he thought the new Government might well commence with Japan as latter was first to attack an American country and later break with Germany as having attacked Brazil. I recall mentioning this conjecture to Hadow21 who apparently thought it was based on information received by us from a more authentic source.

There is, of course, possibility Argentine Government might follow some such procedure in case of Japan as there are few Japanese in this country expecting thereby to precipitate a break by the Germans and feeling that by then the Italians might have collapsed.

  1. Robert Henry Hadow, British Counselor of Embassy in Argentina.