740.58112A/63: Telegram
The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:10 p.m.]
4171. Proclaimed and Statutory Lists printed in Sweden now being distributed. British and American Legations in agreement that lists should be distributed to leading newspapers and trade union papers. It is realized, however, that this will probably result in request for statement by one or both Legations concerning maintenance of lists.
Legations propose identical statements be issued should such request arise. Statements would be elaboration of text set forth on cover of list as distributed. Both Legations recommend including in statement reference to Mr. Dingle Foot’s remarks in House of Commons44 as previously reported in Stockholm press under London dateline November 9 wherein he stated that after war we would not forget those firms and businessmen in neutral countries who have chosen to help the enemy. It is proposed to point out that while there has been no official statement concerning continuation of published list after war, it is interesting to speculate whether Mr. Dingle Foot’s remarks refer to post-armistice maintenance of war trade list and that this would be one way of putting his statement into effect.
In view procedure set forth London’s A–26, October 7, 3 p.m.45 [Page 348] concerning issuance post-armistice warning, Legation requesting Department’s and London’s approval to inclusion above in such statement prior to release. However, in view current distribution Legation should appreciate early reply.
This message repeated to London as my 846.
- The Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Economic Warfare on November 9, 1943, made a written reply to the question by Capt. L. F. Plugge as to whether he would “give an assurance that after the war assistance given to the enemy by firms in neutral countries will, so far as British trade is concerned, be taken into account in international dealings.” Mr. Foot’s reply was as follows: “I can hardly give an assurance in the precise form suggested. But I should like to make it clear that firms and traders in European neutral countries should not too hastily assume that, when the Armistice is signed, we will at once forget those who have elected to assist our enemies.” (Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, 5th series, vol. 393, cols. 1114–1115)↩
- Not printed; it transmitted sections a through e of paragraph 5 in airgram No. A–775, June 3, to London, p. 329, and amendment of section f as proposed in telegram No. 5845, September 3, from London, p. 336. Similar airgrams were sent by Embassy at London to the American Missions at Bern, Lisbon, and Madrid. For comment, see telegram No. 6772, October 7, 3 p.m., from London, p. 340.↩