831.24/889: Telegram
The Ambassador in Venezuela (Corrigan) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 29—5:46 a.m.]
769. Department’s circular airgram August 23, 7 p.m.28 The Embassy believes the early adoption of simplified export control is highly desirable since present procedure possesses little flexibility to meet changing conditions. Alternative Plan number III suggested by our exporters is considered here distinctly the most desirable procedure brought up for discussion since it eliminates foreign control on a greatly expanded general license list. It is possible that Venezuelan authorities would be reluctant to relinquish authority they now exercise and that some concessions under Alternative III would have to be considered. As second choice the Embassy recommends Alternative I since it provides considerable simplification of present procedure and would give Embassy full knowledge of all import applications. Alternative Plan II has the particular weakness that Country Agency could reject or require modification of import applications at will without knowledge of Embassy, thus possibly thwarting chief purpose of simplification. OEW29 special representative here is in general agreement with above.