760F.61/113: Telegram

The Minister to the Czechoslovak Government in Exile (Biddle) to the Secretary of State

Czechoslovak Series [No.] 12. My 7, July 16, midnight. In conversation yesterday President Beneš said he was highly gratified with the reported results of Moscow Conference and that they had even exceeded his hopes.

He told me that as regards Czechoslovakia, it had been unanimously agreed that he should proceed with the conclusion of the proposed Czechoslovak-Soviet agreement and he asked me to express to you his deep appreciation of the comprehending attitude you had shown when this matter came up for discussion.88 He said he expected to leave London for Moscow early next week in order to complete the agreement.89

  1. The Soviet-Czechoslovak treaty was discussed at the Sixth Meeting of the Moscow Conference, October 24, 1943, and the text of the proposed treaty was printed as Document No. 43 of the Conference. See vol. i, pp. 624 and 744, respectively.
  2. In a memorandum of October 30, 1943, Edward Page, Jr., Second Secretary of Embassy in the Soviet Union, at the time in the Department for consultation, noted that the negotiations in connection with the conclusion of this treaty “appeared to be part of the same pattern in present Soviet policy to extend Soviet predominance over eastern Europe and the Balkans.” (760F.61/116)