740.00111 European War 1939/714: Telegram
The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:30 p.m.]
2501. I was informed yesterday by Boheman22 that a telegram from Swedish Minister in Rome23 reported that German reinforcements of both men and material in northern Italy are enormous; that they are “pouring everything they have into Italy”. Boheman said that large numbers of troops from both Norway and Denmark have been sent south. I tried to draw him out on subject matter reported my 2473, August 7, 7 p.m.,24 but he said that he simply did not know. He is inclined to believe that Hitler, although under eclipse, is not entirely pushed aside and attributes partly to him personally decision to send strong reinforcements to Italy. As far as German generals are concerned he is convinced they would make peace at once with anybody but, of course, on terms. There are many stories current in Stockholm of a possible separate peace between Russia and Germany and there is noticeable a growing anxiety regarding position of Finland and possibility that it may be occupied by Russian troops thus bringing these latter to Swedish frontiers. This anxiety is also to be found in official circles and is giving concern to Foreign Office. Boheman confirms reports of growing despair and desperation in Germany. Swedes both official and private who are well informed about Germany express opinion that German position is in fact so desperate that the end cannot be long staved off.
- Erik Boheman, Secretary General of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.↩
- Joen Lagerberg.↩
- Not printed; it transmitted information received from sources considered to be reliable that “German generals are now completely in control of situations in Germany with Hitler entirely pushed aside. Generals are intensely preoccupied now with desire to effect peace with Russia.” (740.00111 European War 1939/712)↩