860N.00/242: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 4—11:25 a.m.]
1. Personal for the Secretary. Friday evening I had an opportunity to explain to Molotov some of your views on the article on the Baltic States in the recent issue of War and the Working Class (referred to in your 1449, December 23, 5 p.m.).
I did not register objection to the fact that the question of the Baltic States was discussed in this article but limited criticism to the fact that the article involved directly or indirectly the Government of the United States and groups within the United States in such a manner as to lead to acrimonious public discussion in the United States which would react unfavorably to the growing solidarity between our two countries.
I referred specifically to your conversation with Molotov during the Moscow Conference50 on the subject of public polemics and stated that you hoped he would continue to keep this matter in mind.
Molotov replied that he had not read the article in question but that he fully understood and sympathized with what you had in mind.
I also delivered to him without making further comment your message to the Greek Prime Minister.51
- See memorandum of conversation, October 29, 1943, vol. i, p. 670.↩
- Emmanuel J. Tsouderos.↩