711.61/950: Telegram

The People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (Molotov) to the Secretary of State


The decade which has elapsed since the establishment of Soviet-American diplomatic relations33 has demonstrated that the relations between our countries are based on a strong foundation and that they completely correspond to the interests of our peoples. The common struggle against Hitlerite Germany has even more firmly cemented our relations and furthered the growth of mutual understanding and confidence between our countries and the development of Soviet-American military cooperation. The recent Moscow Conference has demonstrated that Soviet-American relations possess all the elements to develop successfully the conditions necessary for shortening the period of the war and for the establishment of a durable and long peace in the interests of all freedom-loving peoples.

V. Molotov
  1. For correspondence concerning the negotiations and agreements by which relations were established between the United States and the Soviet Union, see Foreign Relations, The Soviet Union, 1933–1939, pp. 1 ff.

    For a telegram sent on the occasion of this tenth anniversary by Secretary Hull to Mr. Molotov, dated November 15, 1943, see Department of State Bulletin, November 20, 1943, p. 373.

    For this occasion the newspaper Izvestiya on November 16 published a cordial, leading article on the “strengthening of Soviet-American friendship”. A two-polumn front page editorial appeared in Pravda on the following day.