660D.6231/147: Telegram
The Chargé in Finland (McClintock) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 2—11:07 p.m.]
366. Papers today publish following statement issued by Minister Rainer von Fieandt12 heading Finnish delegation Finnish-German negotiations commencing here today.
“Last year’s Finnish-German trade based on quota agreement signed February 13, 194213 supplemented by agreements of June 9th and August 18th.14 Close of year additional agreement concluded regarding provisional trade adjustment during first quarter 1943. Negotiations opening today concern current year’s trade.
To describe development our trade with Germany last year I first want say few words regarding our exports. Total value our exports [Page 246] last year 5,477,000,000 marks whereof Germany’s share 3,511,000,000 or 64%. Principal exports to Germany comprised our natural export articles, wood goods and woodworking industry products.
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Total value our imports last year 11,709,000,000 marks whereof 8,420,000,000 or 72% from Germany. List commodities obtained from Germany comprises almost without exception all most essential goods. Total value for us vitally important grain and cereal products exceeded considerably billion marks, fully 100% coming from Germany. Mineral fuels, textile materials and products represent next billion mark import group. Examination various textile items discloses over 90% most items represents Germany’s share. Next group comprises iron, steel and products thereof, Germany’s share this group also exceeding billion marks. Above list could be continued but it is enough mention additionally certain to us particularly important commodities such as tanning, dye extracts, fertilizers, various chemicals, hides, leather goods, buna rubber and products thereof.
Above clearly demonstrates extent 1942 Finnish-German trade and its decisive significance to us.
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- Deputy Director General of Nordiska Föreningsbanken, who held the honorary rank of Minister.↩
- See telegram No. 122, February 14, 1942, from the Minister in Finland, Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. ii, p. 39.↩
- For reports on these two agreements, see telegrams No. 482, June 10, 1942, and No. 692, August 20, 1942, from the Minister in Finland, ibid., pp. 66 and 79, respectively.↩