740.0011 European War 1939/28089: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Finland (McClintock)
31. We sent by messenger today to the Finnish Legation a memorandum in regard to its memorandum89 referred to in our 28, February 12 to Helsinki and our 179 to Stockholm.90 Our memorandum reads, in paraphrase, as follows:
“We have carefully considered the Finnish Legation’s memorandum dated February 8, 1943 and especially the last paragraph thereof91 in accordance with Mr. Procopé’s oral request when he handed the memorandum to Mr. Welles on February 11.
“We note that paragraph numbered 1 of the Legation’s memorandum reiterates the Finnish Government’s views as to the inception of the war in which Finland and the USSR are now engaged.
“We find, however, nothing in the memorandum to indicate that Finland has taken or proposes to take any steps to end its ‘co-belligerency’ with our enemies. The views of the American Government with regard to this matter have been made abundantly clear to the Finnish Government on a number of occasions in the past.
“If the Legation’s memorandum is intended to have any other purpose or significance than to reiterate the Finnish Government’s views as to the inception of the war between Finland and the USSR, the Finnish Government is requested to make clear to the American Government the intended purpose and significance in order that appropriate consideration may be given to the matter.”
Foregoing is for your information only and not for other use. Repeated to Stockholm as our no. 187.