860D.4061 Motion Pictures/90: Telegram
The Chargé in Finland (McClintock) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 2—1:53 p.m.]
188. After protracted conversations in Foreign Office and elsewhere we have secured consent of the Finnish Licensing Board to importation of nine additional American feature pictures making use of licenses not availed of United Artists representative in Finland Adams Films.
It will be quite impossible to take advantage of this opportunity unless there is raw film with which to print copies.75 We have had repeated inquiries from American motion picture representatives and from Finnish Film Chamber as to when raw film may be expected but thus far have been without enlightenment since your telegram 226, November 16.76 If Department or Legation in Stockholm have any more definite information as to when we may expect to receive raw film I should much appreciate an immediate [reply?].
Repeated to Stockholm.
- Distributors of American films in Finland had been provided with 79,000 feet of raw positive film.↩
- Not printed, but see telegrams Nos. 1068, November 5, 1942, and 1074, November 7, 1942, from the Minister in Finland, Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. ii, pp. 92 and 93, respectively.↩