811.20260D/16: Telegram
The Chargé in Finland (McClintock) to the Secretary of State
Helsinki, January 15, 1943—11 a.m.
[Received January 15—10 a.m.]
[Received January 15—10 a.m.]
75. On two separate occasions in the last week Secretary of Legation24 has been approached by members of Foreign Office with the suggestion that the question of American-Finnish reciprocal propaganda facilities be reopened implying benefit original request for illustrated Finnish language bulletin25 would now receive favorable consideration. There [They] were told this was probably a dead issue. See my 15, January 5.26
- The reference is probably to Lewis E. Gleeck, Third Secretary of Legation in Finland.↩
- See telegram No. 1039, October 28, 1942, 3 p.m., from the Minister in Finland, Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. ii, p. 91.↩
- Not printed; the Chargé reported that the Chief of the Political Division of the Finnish Foreign Ministry (Asko P. Ivalo) had told him that the Foreign Office had received considerable criticism as result of the break in publicity relations and had discussed with him the possibility of resuming distribution of publicity material by the respective Legations (811.20260D/15).↩