550.AD1 Interim Commission/132
The Secretary of State to Certain Chiefs of Mission 45
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission, and refers to his circular note of June 11, 1943 concerning notification by each of the governments and authorities represented at the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture of the designation of a representative on the Interim Commission to be established pursuant to the Final Act of the Conference.
It will be appreciated if Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission will inform the respective representatives on the Interim Commission that the inaugural meeting of the Commission will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 15, 1943, in room 105 of the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between Seventh and Ninth Streets, Northwest, Washington, D.C. There are enclosed copies of the tentative program of the inaugural session.46
The Government of the United States in carrying out the request of the Conference that it undertake to facilitate the establishment of the Interim Commission is preparing for the consideration of the Commission draft regulations and a suggested plan of organization. As indicated in the enclosed tentative program of the inaugural session, the draft plan of organization will be distributed on that occasion. The draft regulations which it is anticipated will be considered at the inaugural session, will be forwarded shortly to the individual members of the Commission.
In this latter connection, it is hoped that the Department of State may receive as soon as possible notifications concerning the designation of the respective members of the Commission by those governments which have not yet taken such action.