550.AD1 Interim Commission/a
The Secretary of State to Certain Chiefs of Mission 42
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission, and refers to previous correspondence concerning the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture, which terminated its sessions at Hot Springs, Virginia, on June 3, 1943.
In resolution II of the Final Act,43 the Conference resolved that an Interim Commission be established for carrying out the recommendations of the Conference; that each of the governments and authorities represented be entitled to designate a representative on the Interim Commission; that the Interim Commission be installed in Washington not later than July 15, 1943; and that the Government of the United States be invited to take whatever preliminary action may be necessary for the establishment of the Interim Commission.
The Government of the United States has willingly undertaken to facilitate the establishment of the Interim Commission. In order to carry out the mandate of the Conference, the Diplomatic Missions of the United States abroad have been instructed by telegraph44 to request each of the governments which participated in the Conference to indicate the name, title, and address of its representative on the Commission.
In order that this Government may be in a position to communicate without delay with the representative designated by each government, and proceed to take whatever steps may be necessary for the establishment of the Interim Commission in Washington prior to July 15, Mr. Hull would be grateful for the assistance of the Chiefs of Mission in obtaining prompt notification from their respective governments with regard to the membership of the Interim Commission.
- Sent to the Chiefs of Mission of the countries invited to the Conference, except Ethiopia, India, Liberia, and the Philippine Commonwealth; these countries were sent individual letters. The appropriate French authorities in Washington were informed orally regarding the proposed formation of the Interim Commission. On July 10, 1943, a letter was sent to the Minister of Denmark inviting him to attend in his personal capacity the Interim Commission meeting of July 15.↩
- Department of State Bulletin, June 19, 1943, p. 552.↩
- Circular telegram of June 11, 1943, not printed.↩