The American Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Colombian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Echandía)40
Excellency: Under instructions of my Government, I have the honor to confirm to Your Excellency that for the purpose of attaining the maximum efficiency of cooperative measures between the Governments of Colombia and of the United States of America in matters [Page 168] of hemisphere defense, protection of Colombian, United States, and friendly shipping in the Caribbean Sea, and the security of the Panama Canal, the Caribbean Defense Command considers it necessary to be able to rely, in Cartagena, on emergency fueling services and repair facilities for airplanes and seaplanes of the Army and the Navy of the United States. With the same objectives and in order to obtain these facilities without loss of time for United States planes, my Government has had the honor to request that while the necessary installations are being completed, Your Excellency’s Government permit that tenders for seaplanes of the United States Navy may enter Cartagena and remain in that port for such period of time as may be indispensable to effect the necessary refueling.
In accordance with the conversations which I have had the honor to have with Your Excellency, the Government of Colombia has granted permission to organize these emergency services with the assignment of the necessary personnel for the proper protection of the airplanes and pertinent installations. The cost of these services will be at the expense of the United States, the number and category of personnel to be determined in agreement between the two governments.
My Government will also defray the expense of repairing the ramp for seaplanes of the Base of Cartagena, if the Government of Colombia agrees that it may be occasionally used, when it may be necessary to beach its airplanes to overhaul or repair them.
In order that movements in pursuit of enemy ships or airplanes may be more rapid and efficient, my Government also requests that the naval and aerial forces of the United States under the Commanding Officer of the Caribbean Defense Command be permitted to enter Colombian territorial waters and fly over Colombian territory without prior special authority, it being understood that the Caribbean Defense Command will immediately give notification of such action to the liaison officer of the Colombian Army stationed at the Headquarters of the Command.
If Your Excellency is favorably disposed, General Andrews, Commanding Officer of the Caribbean Defense Command, or his deputy, will be pleased to arrange with the military and naval authorities of Colombia the specific details, in order to carry out the arrangements mentioned above.
I avail myself [etc.]
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 840, September 23; received September 29.↩