811.34521/19: Telegram
The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:44 p.m.]
1231. For Under Secretary. My despatch 816, September 18 and telegram 1201 September 16.38
[Page 167]Echandía handed me yesterday draft of note to be sent by me to him substantially in accordance with that transmitted as enclosure 1 despatch 816 but also stating that permission to station tenders at Cartagena had been granted by Colombian Government.
Only important discrepancy with our draft note is that Echandía’s draft refers to permission for “aerial and naval forces of the United States” to enter Colombian territorial waters to fly over Colombian territory, while we refer to permission for “armed forces of the United States” to enter and fly over Colombian territory and to enter Colombian waters. Change in phraseology undoubtedly due to constitutional stipulation that Senate must give approval for permission for foreign troops to pass “in transit” through Colombian territory. General Andrews informs me by telegraph that the change in phraseology is acceptable him.
Draft note also states that we are prepared to defray cost of repairs to the camp of the Cartagena base in event that Colombian Government permits us to use it for beaching sea planes for overhauling and repairs.
Echandía said that [he?] has advised the President that it will not be necessary to request approval of the Senate with respect to concessions to be granted in note which will answer ours. I have accordingly addressed note39 marked strictly confidential to Foreign Office along lines of Echandía’s draft sending copies to Department and General Andrews by next courier.
Echandía stated that he will answer my note immediately and that subsequently the Foreign Relations Commissions of Congress will be advised in general terms of Governments policy based on resolutions adopted at Habana and Rio justifying action in this case.
Repeated to Panama for General Andrews.