Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
The British Ambassador6 called to see me this morning. The Ambassador brought up the question of our Lease-Lend arrangements with Turkey. The Ambassador alleged that during my absence a change in the previous arrangements had been made and that the British Government had now been informed that Turkey was to be permitted to apply directly to the Lease-Lend authority for Lease-Lend assistance without prior consultation on our part with the British Government.
I said I was not informed with regard to this matter other than that I had a few days ago sent a letter to Mr. Stettinius7 suggesting that for reasons of policy Turkey be given some concrete evidence of our desire to assist her under the Lease-Lend Act8 by having made available to her some material and that I thought trucks had been suggested.
The Ambassador asked if before any final decision was reached with regard to Turkey under the Lease-Lend Act, he could be given the opportunity of obtaining a full statement from his Government as to their thoughts in this matter which he said he had requested and which he believed would be in his hands within the next few days.
I said I would be glad to ask that this be done.