811.248/720: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Officer in Chargé at New Delhi (Merrell)
636. Reference Mission’s despatch No. 26 of August 23 and subsequent telegrams.6 The War Department has informed the Department that it will meet the several conditions imposed by the Sultan of Oman as set forth in enclosure No. 3 to the despatch under reference. With regard to the first condition, the War Department states that Brigadier General S. W. Fitzgerald, Commanding General of the Africa Middle East Wing, Air Transport Command, United States Army, with headquarters at Accra, British Gold Coast, is the person who will reply to any questions regarding the conduct of American personnel. If, however, the Sultan desires a person in or near the territory of Oman, the Secretary of War will request General Fitzgerald to designate an officer of his Command so situated.
With regard to the second condition, the War Department states that it is in a position to procure and deliver the military supplies to the Sultan within a reasonable period of time. The Government of India should be requested to indicate the type and quantity of medical supplies to be furnished. The War Department considers the third condition entirely reasonable and states that the fourth and fifth conditions are consistent with the maintenance of good order at the points where American personnel will be stationed and should, if reasonably interpreted, present no obstacle.
In the light of the foregoing, the Mission should request the Government of India to direct its political agent at Muscat to convey on behalf of this Government the necessary assurances to the Sultan.
- Telegrams Nos. 815, October 23, 10 a.m., and 835, October 29, 5 p.m., not printed.↩