881.00/2360: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Childs) to the Secretary of State

548. After acquainting my British colleague confidentially in the sense of the Department’s telegram 201, October 29, 11 a.m. he informed me he had decided not to convey any assurances on his part to General Orgaz such as he had been authorized to do in his discretion as reported in my 539, October 30, 10 p.m.

He saw Orgaz yesterday who stated he was leaving for Madrid this week for a few days to discuss the Spanish Moroccan budget (he will leave I learn on the 5th).

Concerning maneuvers Orgaz said they would be continued after his return and would take place both in the western part of Spanish Morocco around Larache as well as in the eastern part around Melilla. He explained that since he had become High Commissioner he had not had the opportunity of seeing his troops in the field in any numbers.

He was very cordial and is described as being in the best of humor.

He stated he thought the year [way?] the Allies had gained by the course of the war this year was a great triumph for them.

Repeated to Madrid.
