The Chargé at Tangier (Childs) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 24.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that General Uriarte, in a note dated November 3, 1942, recalls that he had submitted to the Madrid Government the matter of his controversy with the Legation concerning the claim asserted by the Spanish authorities in charge of the Moroccan customs of their right to open postal parcels addressed to the Legation and states that the point of view expressed by him to the Legation in this connection is upheld by his Government.
In acknowledging this note I have reiterated full reservations of our treaty rights in the premises and informed General Uriarte that I have forwarded to the Department a copy of his communication. Copies of the notes under reference are enclosed herewith.77
There would appear to be no further action which could now be usefully taken in the matter. It is believed that our position and the circumstances pertinent to a consideration of the case have been sufficiently set forth in the Legation’s despatches on the subject to dispense with further comment or suggestions at this time. My despatch No. 970 of August 13, 1942 deals particularly with General Uriarte’s reference of the dispute to his Government.
Respectfully yours,
- Not printed.↩