It would be appreciated if, in the event the Department approved this
proposed draft reply that telegraphic authorization be given the
Draft of Aide-Mémoire
The American Chargé d’Affaires has the honor to recall his
conversation with his Spanish colleague on February 16, 1942, in
which the latter referred to a note, dated July 14, 1941, addressed
by the Legation to Colonel Carvajal, taking exception to the levy of
various taxes on American ressortissants,
some of which taxes were collected by the Customs at the time of the
importation of merchandise. Among the latter was a five per cent
Social Relief Tax, and in regard to this the Spanish Consul inquired
whether the Legation’s position might not be reconsidered and assent
given to the levy of this tax inasmuch as it was, in effect, a
contribution for charitable purposes affected to all classes of the
local population.
The Legation has not failed to refer the informal suggestion of Señor
Soriano to the Department of State which has given careful and
sympathetic consideration to his conciliatory suggestions.
The Legation has been authorized to reiterate its desire previously
expressed on more than one occasion to afford the Spanish
authorities all possible practical cooperation in the general
interest of the community in the present exceptional period. The
Legation has not however been authorized to make any concessions in
respect of the principles recalled in its note to Colonel Carvajal
affecting any single item of taxation therein referred to.
The Legation has been instructed to point out that the material
object of the Spanish administration relative to the Social Relief
Tax, namely, the raising of revenue, is in fact being attained in so
far as American ressortissants are concerned.
The latter, though under protest, are actually paying this and other
taxes not legally applicable to them into the customs house to
enable them to obtain the clearance of their goods.
In accordance with the Legation’s desire to assist the Spanish
authorities in a practical manner, without prejudice either to the
community or to the treaty position of the United States, the
Legation is authorized to refrain from disturbing the foregoing
procedure pending a more opportune consideration of the