740.00112 European War 1939/5401
The Secretary of State to the Chargé at Tangier (Childs)
Sir: Reference is made to the Acting Secretary’s letter of March 28, 1942 and to your telegram no. 195, May 5, 1942 regarding a proposed economic agreement with the Spanish High Commissioner to [Page 474] Morocco. The Department is sending you at this time a telegram46 outlining a series of specific proposals which you are being authorized to present to General Orgaz as the basis for an understanding. By way of background, there are transmitted herewith copies of two memoranda47 prepared by the Board of Economic Warfare regarding Moroccan production, imports and exports, and the possibilities, from the point of view of economic warfare, of a satisfactory American-Spanish Moroccan economic agreement. As you will observe, these memoranda form the basis of the Department’s telegram, and it is thought that they may be helpful to you in your conversations with General Orgaz, since they indicate the reasons for inclusion of the different commodities and the general attitude of the Board of Economic Warfare toward the contemplated agreement.
Although these economic considerations are important, the Department feels, and assumes that you agree, that the principal value of any understanding with General Orgaz would lie in its political aspects. The primary objective is to achieve a closer relationship with the High Commissioner, encourage him to act independently of his government to the extent that conditions permit, and pave the way for a more direct political approach when and if a favorable moment arrives. You should feel free, therefore, to suggest changes in the economic conditions outlined if you believe that such changes would facilitate agreement without affecting the political advantages to be gained.
Very truly yours,