702.6282/27: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Hibbard)
197. Your 247, July 30, 4 p.m. This Government understood that President Barclay promised McBride68 to rid Liberia of all enemy aliens as soon as an American armed force arrived in Liberian territory. It was understood that Liberia would either break relations with enemy powers as was done by the Latin American countries or would by other means expel all enemy nationals. That the German Consul is still in Monrovia observing American military operations and is allowed to report upon them is of course untenable, and it is felt that the Liberian Government must correct this matter immediately.
Furthermore McBride reported that President Barclay informed him that he would institute strict censorship as soon as the Agreement was ratified. It is felt that censorship of mail and radio communications should be instituted at once to prevent subversive activities inimical to Liberia and the United States and that American officers should assist and supervise it.
You must impress upon President Barclay that this country is at war with ruthless enemies, and that in this conflict we are endeavoring to protect Liberia and to safeguard its territory and interests. Please inform President Barclay of the contents of this message and send his reply within 48 hours.
- Harry A. McBride, Special Representative of President Roosevelt, sent to Liberia in February 1942 to negotiate the Defense and Bases Agreement.↩