882.20/564a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Wharton)

113. In view of the presence now in Liberian territory of what may be regarded as an adequate nucleus force,65 you may wish to discuss with President Barclay the question of inviting the Germans in Liberia to leave the country. We believe that by the time arrangements can be made for their departure, additional contingents will have arrived to help guard against the possibility of reprisals.

War Department states that adequate forces will soon be in Liberia to enable President Barclay to submit the military agreement66 to the legislature.

  1. For correspondence regarding American bases in Liberia and the defense of Liberia, see pp. 355 ff.
  2. Defense and Bases Agreement signed at Monrovia, March 31, 1942; for text, see Department of State Executive Agreement Series No. 275, or 56 Stat (pt. 2) 1621.