
Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations (Murray) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

Mr. Welles: As you will recall, when I spoke to you the other day about the Iranian situation, it was suggested that you might take an early opportunity to express to Lord Halifax64 our fears that a too-aggressive British policy would have unfortunate results. You have undoubtedly seen London’s telegram no. 6340, November 11 (attached65), from which it appears that the Foreign Office is now adopting [Page 194] an attitude substantially similar to our own on this question. (Our rather strong telegram of November 1066 may have had a good deal to do with this.)

Although things seem to be shaping up better at the moment, I wonder whether you would not consider it still worth while to have a talk with the Ambassador? It might help to ensure a continuance of the apparently improved state of affairs, if it were impressed upon him that we hope the moderate attitude prevailing in London will be reflected in the policy of the British Minister at Tehran, who has hitherto manifested a complete disregard for Iranian interests and sensibilities.67

Wallace Murray
  1. British Ambassador.
  2. Ante, p. 191.
  3. No. 5640, p. 187.
  4. Marginal note by Mr. Welles: “I shall do so.”