The British Embassy to the Department of State
No. 541
His Majesty’s Government have given careful consideration to the State Department’s Aide-Mémoire of May 27th on the subject of Pan American Airways Services in the Near and Middle East.
2. His Majesty’s Government understand that a revision of the agreements with the American and British authorities under which Pan American Airways operate in and across Africa is at present under consideration. In view of this fact, it appears unnecessary to pursue further the questions raised in this correspondence on the subject of allocation of space in these services. In this connexion His Majesty’s Government have noted with satisfaction that paragraph 3 of the Department’s Aide-mémoire refers only to non-commercial civilian use, and that it is proposed that the competent local authorities of the United States forces should be instructed to give full consideration to British and Allied military needs in determining priorities. His Majesty’s Government are confident that this matter and the other points raised in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of the Department’s Aide-mémoire can be satisfactorily settled by agreement between the local British and American authorities.
3. His Majesty’s Government entirely concur with the principle expressed in the last paragraph of the Department’s Aide-mémoire objecting to exclusive arrangements for air transport lines, and consider this principle is one which is applicable not only in the area covered by this correspondence but throughout the world.