The Chief of the Iranian Trade and Economic Commission (Saleh) to the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)
My Dear Mr. Murray: You may be already informed that as a result of shortage in the supply of wheat my Government has been having difficulties in assuring the supply of bread in many cities of Iran.
The United Kingdom Commercial Corporation which had promised to supply the needed amount of wheat has been unable to do so as a result of transportation difficulties.
Due to these circumstances the Minister of Finance in Teheran discussed the matter with the Honorable William Bullitt, United States Special Envoy to the Middle East, and Mr. Bullitt was good enough to promise that upon his return to Washington he would try to make arrangements for the shipment to Iran of certain quantities of wheat which might be sent on board steamers bound for the ports of the Persian Gulf.
I have now received a cable from the Minister of Finance, stating that the question of bread supply in many towns of Iran is becoming extremely acute and asking whether any decision has been taken on the subject of wheat shipment as discussed with Mr. Bullitt.
I had in mind to go to Washington in order to discuss this matter with you personally but, as you know, it is nearly impossible to make reservations at any hotel in Washington, and the matter being of an urgent nature I decided that I should write to you while awaiting for hotel arrangements.
No person realizes better than yourself the importance of this question in the situation in Iran. Bread being the chief food of the country, a shortage of it would naturally result in famine and I am confident that your Government would like to take any steps that are possible to prevent such a forthcoming condition.
[Page 121]May I, therefore, request you to be good enough to see what can be done on this subject before it is too late and to inform me of your decision so that I can send a telegram to the Minister of Finance.
With my best wishes.
Very sincerely yours,