893.48/2144: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

545. The Department hereby requests that Shanghai repeat to you its July 8, 11 a.m. and Canton’s 30, July 3, 5 p.m. and 50, August 20, 10 a.m.18 with regard to sale to the public by Japanese firms in Canton of cracked wheat which had been sent to China as a gift of the American Red Cross.

The Department desires that the Embassy make appropriate protest to the Japanese Foreign Office.19

Sent to Tokyo via Shanghai. Shanghai please repeat to Canton, Peiping, Chungking, Hong Kong.

  1. None printed.
  2. In his telegram No. 1414, September 7, 9 a.m., Ambassador Grew informed the Department that he had addressed to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs a first-person note protesting the seizure and sale of these supplies (893.48/2160).