
The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

No. 24

Sir: I have the honor to enclose for the information of the Department, copy of a confidential memorandum99 submitted to me by Major James M. McHugh, U.S.M.C., Naval Attaché and Naval Attaché for Air, recording the comments of the air mission headed by Brigadier General H. B. Clagett, U.S.A., as communicated to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek at a meeting immediately before the departure of the mission from China.

While I met Brigadier General Clagett and the members of his mission during one of their visits to Chungking, I did not have the opportunity of seeing them before their departure from China. Lieutenant Colonel William Mayer, the Military Attaché, conveying to me the General’s regrets that time did not permit him to call at the Embassy before his departure. I am unable, therefore, to add anything to the [Page 662] information contained in the enclosed memorandum from the Naval Attaché.

I understand that the mission will prepare its report while en route to Manila, and I assume that in due course a copy of the report will reach the Department of State through the War or Navy Department.

It will be observed from the Naval Attaché’s memorandum that, while invited repeatedly by the Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek to criticize the Chinese air force, its organization, war plans, personnel, training, et cetera, the mission spokesman at the interview with the Generalissimo voiced no criticism and gave practically blanket approval on all points. Colonel George, the spokesman, impressed me most favorably during my brief contact with him. I am somewhat surprised that he gave so sweeping approval of the Chinese air force as is indicated in the memorandum.

It appears that the mission discussed with the Generalissimo (1) the question of possible establishment of direct air communication between Chungking and the Philippine Islands and (2) plans for the training of pilots in the United States or the Philippines for heavy bombardment, medium bombardment, light bombardment and pursuit operations, recording certain views set out in the Naval Attaché’s memorandum.

Respectfully yours,

C. E. Gauss
  1. Not printed.