893.154/322: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)
100. Reference your despatch no. 827, April l,69 in regard to Baker’s proposed function in connection with Burma highway transportation.
Efficient utilization of Burma route is obviously of vital importance to the delivery of such materials as the American Government may be able to supply to China and is therefore of keen interest to the Department. The Department would, therefore, appreciate receiving through the Embassy from time to time Baker’s views regarding the development of the scheme now proposed and its implementation.
The Department suggests that it might be of assistance to Baker in his work if the fact that the Department has expressed an interest [Page 645] in receiving from time to time Baker’s views through the Embassy were brought informally to the knowledge of the appropriate Chinese authorities.
With reference to the last paragraph of the memorandum, which constitutes enclosure one to the despatch under reference, the Department understands that the Chinese have set up an organization to handle supplies obtained under the Lease-Lend Act and that this organization will give attention to the question of priority for all shipments over the Burma Road. It would seem logical to assume that the organization might work with Baker in regard to this matter without initiative on our part. It would seem to be preferable for the initiative to come from the Chinese side. The Department is therefore deferring consideration of the suggestion offered in regard to this matter.
The Department will at all times welcome the Embassy’s comments on Baker’s views and on other phases of the question of the supply of materials to China.
Sent to Chungking only.
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