
The Secretary of State to the Chinese Ambassador (Hu Shih)

Excellency: I have the honor to state that I have received a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury under date of April 30, 194158 in which the Secretary has asked that you be informed as follows:

“In accordance with the agreement dated as of April 1, 1941 between the National Government of China, the Central Bank of China, and the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, I request and recommend that China appoint Mr. A. Manuel Fox, a citizen of the United States, as the American member of the Chinese Stabilization Board. Mr. Fox is at present a member of the United States Tariff Commission.

“Mr. Fox will designate as his alternate member of the Board Mr. William H. Taylor, a citizen of the United States, who will also act as [Page 641] assistant to Mr. Fox. Mr. Taylor is at present associated with the Treasury Department.

“I am also designating Mr. Walter F. Frese, of the Treasury Department, to assist Mr. Fox and Mr. Taylor in the performance of their functions.

“It is understood that China will make provision for the payment of the salaries and expenses of Mr. Fox and Mr. Taylor. Mr. Frese’s salary and expenses will be paid by the Treasury Department.”

The Secretary of the Treasury desires to be informed through the Department of State of the names and the nationality of all the members of the Stabilization Board of China and the name of the chairman of the Board.59

Accept [etc.]

Cordell Hull
  1. Not printed.
  2. The Chinese Ambassador in a formal note dated May 16 informed the Secretary of the acceptance by the Chinese Government of the recommendations made by the Secretary of the Treasury and forwarded the names of the appointed Chinese members of the Stabilization Board (893.51/7219).