893.0146/894: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (Stanton) to the Secretary of State

1665. Department’s 262, November 7, 7 p.m. to Chungking. I regret the delay in replying to the Department’s telegram but it was so badly garbled that repetition of the entire message was necessary.

Admiral Glassford received a similar message several days ago and he will present his recommendations to Admiral Hart. I concur in his recommendations.
Recommendations of Admiral Glassford and this office are summarized below:
Replying to [telegram?] plans for termination of leases, disposal of property and equipment are ready and can be put into operation at short notice. Marines and equipment can be moved from Shanghai within 5 days after transports arrive. However, date for despatch of transports will presumably depend on the duration of the interval the Department desires between the announcement that the marines will be withdrawn and the actual withdrawal. I do not believe that any aspect of the local situation makes it necessary to delay the departure of the marines.
Question of American defense sector has been informally discussed by Admiral Glassford with Colonel Howard, the Commandant of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, the Settlement authorities and myself. It is proposed that Colonel Howard should simply inform the officer commanding the Japanese forces of the date of the departure of the Fourth Marines after that date has been determined. It is hoped that the Japanese will not attempt to take over the American sector or to redistribute the remaining defense forces (Japanese and Italian) but will allow the Settlement police, supported by the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, to assume responsibility for the maintenance of law and order. If the Japanese insist on a meeting of the defense committee it might be suggested at that time that all defense sectors be abolished and that the police and volunteers be left in control. Any information indicating Japanese plans or intentions regarding this matter will be promptly reported.
Flag ship of commander of the Yangtze Patrol sailed from Shanghai. Other vessels of the Yangtze Patrol have been making occasional trips up river, protecting American interests, maintaining communications and carrying supplies for American organizations and individuals. Admiral Glassford plans to withdraw all units except the United States steamship Wake which will remain here temporarily to maintain communications. However, retention of Wake at Shanghai for that purpose is not necessary so far as this office is concerned in view of the fact that it is planned to establish a radio station in the Consulate General using navy equipment.
It is proposed temporarily to keep at Shanghai one quartermaster, one radio man and one supply man. To maintain communications [Page 582] at Hankow, Nanking, and Shanghai Admiral Glassford proposes to leave one radio man each at Hankow and Nanking and four at Shanghai. I recommend that these radio men be authorized to assist in code work if necessary.
Approximately 70 Americans are booked to leave Shanghai on President Line vessels tentatively scheduled to sail end of this month but schedules and accommodations are very uncertain. It is difficult to estimate the number of Americans who may wish to evacuate from the Shanghai consular district but it is believed that the number will not exceed 300. If the Department should urgently advise all Americans to evacuate many more would no doubt want to leave. The figure mentioned would be increased if the Philippines however decided to repatriate Filipinos of whom there are approximately 400 residing in Shanghai at the present time. Commercial vessels or transports are also required to move 57 officers and 744 men of the Fourth Marines. It would be helpful in connection with arrangements for evacuating American citizens to be informed as far in advance as possible when evacuation ships will be despatched.

Sent to the Department. Repeated to Chungking and Peiping.
