390.1115A/458: Telegram

The Minister in Thailand (Grant) to the Secretary of State

219. Department’s 45, April 12, 3 p.m. From inquiries made by representatives of the missionary groups regarding the Department’s advice to certain American nationals to withdraw to the United States as outlined in my letter which was based on the Department’s telegraphic instructions No. 29, February 20, it would appear that these Americans who constitute the great majority of our nationals residing in Thailand have not given the serious consideration to the Department’s [Page 417] advice which it was intended should be given since only a very few Americans who are going on home leave or are ill have so far withdrawn. Several leaders of the missionary groups indicated they expected advice of a stronger tone and they seemed disposed to await arrival of an “emergency.” I therefore pointed out that in my judgment it was the Department’s intention that “serious consideration” should be given to the Department’s advice without delay and if the Americans in the categories specified should then decide, in the light of their own situation, that they should return to the United States immediate steps should be taken to obtain steamship reservations in view of the fact that a considerable length of time is required to obtain such reservations because of the heavy withdrawals from other sections of the Far East.19

For the reasons indicated above and because of the very uncertain political situation throughout the Pacific which may result in great difficulty and also hazards of ocean travel American authorities with little advance warning, I am of the opinion that the Department might well give these Americans especially women and children the type of advice which they seem to expect as indicated above. Elaborate plans have been made for the evacuation of British women and children from Thailand and a considerable number have already departed. It should be pointed out that the British problem of evacuation is without exception easier of solution than ours since they may withdraw to nearby British possessions whereas our nationals must return to the United States.

  1. Minister Grant informed the Department in undated telegram No. 329, received July 4, of the departure for the United States of 28 members of American mission groups in Thailand, the majority of whom were women and children (390.1115A/489).