851G.6363/23: Telegram

The Consul at Saigon (Browne) to the Secretary of State

115. Department’s 42, October 10 [8], midnight. Yesterday evening I discussed the matter with the Governor of Cochin-China and left with him an aide-mémoire setting forth the substance of the telegram referred to and the Department’s 638 to Tokyo.8a The Governor’s comments [Page 319] were: in view of the stand taken by the American Government, the Indochinese Government will not requisition the American oil properties; if the Japanese press for the properties, they will be told to settle the matter directly with the American oil companies. He added that in his opinion a solution of the problem might be found in the requisitioning and subsequent turning over to the Japanese of the Shell installation in Saigon.

Sent to Cavite for repetition to the Department, Hongkong, Shanghai; Shanghai please repeat to Tokyo.

  1. October 4, 6 p.m., p. 310.