851G.6363/21: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

1294. Department’s telegrams 763, October 8, 9 p.m., and 767, October 9, 11 p.m.7

Following our urgent representations [to] Foreign Office, we have just been informed that telegraphic instructions are being sent to the Governor General of Indochina this evening. Admiral Decoux it [is] being instructed therein to tell the Governor of Cochin-China to desist from any pressure upon American oil companies with a view to persuading them to turn over their storage tanks to the Japanese and likewise to renounce any plans for requisitioning their properties. We were told at the Foreign Office that it is being explained to the Governor General that “important questions of policy” are involved. He is further being instructed to inform the Japanese authorities that the question is one which must be treated directly between the Japanese and American Governments.

  1. Neither printed, but see Department’s telegram No. 42, October 8, midnight, p. 315.