751G.92/449: Telegram

The Minister in Thailand (Grant) to the Secretary of State

266. My telegram 265, May 9, 6 p.m.2 It is believed in diplomatic circles that the Japanese hold trump cards in the game with Thailand and Indochina in the pledge given at Tokyo that neither country will enter into an agreement or understanding with a third power which would be directed at Japan economically, politically or militarily. It is believed also that the Japanese may hold other trump cards which may not be a matter of official record but which are just as binding and which will result ultimately in giving them a strangle hold on Thailand as well as Indochina economically and politically and, if the need should arise, militarily. It is regarded as highly significant [Page 150] that after the Tokyo “mediation” negotiations were under way and there appeared to be a stalemate in the proceedings the Prime Minister sent to Tokyo by airplane his Minister of State and Director of Fine Arts, Luang Vichitrvadakarn, who is known to be very pro-Japanese, as reported in my telegram No. 109, February 27, 4 p.m.3 It is regarded as even more significant that in the latter days of the Tokyo “mediation” Naivanich Panananda, Director of Commerce, who is violently pro-Japanese, was added to the three-man Thai delegation in Tokyo vested with full powers to negotiate. There is already evidence of Japanese encroachments in the Thai economic field, rice, tin and rubber figuring in the deals, to the detriment of British interests which have had practically a monopoly of these products. These articles it would appear are being bartered to Japan for war planes, armaments and munitions. Some of the tin and rubber, it is believed, are finding their way to Germany via Japan. The British Minister has recently conferred with the Prime Minister and with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in an effort to stem the tide. Meanwhile there is a steady infiltration of Japanese, including Government officials, professional and business men, and various Japanese “missions” are arriving from time to time. The responsible officials of the Government claim they are keeping a police check on these visitors and they insist that Thailand has made no commitments of a political or military character to Japan in connection with the “mediation” negotiations in Tokyo. Well, we shall see, perhaps in the coming course of events in this area.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.