
President Roosevelt to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)65

Dear Joe: I am much interested in the comments contained in your letter of September 22, 194165a in regard to Prince Konoye. It seems a pity that during the time that he was Premier there could not have been rallied in Japan a wider and stronger support for a moderate and peaceful policy.

I also have read with interest the copy, which you enclosed,66 of a letter addressed by you to a Japanese friend who had asked for American sympathy and cooperation in the pursuit by Japan of “her legitimate interests and aspirations”. It seems to me that in your letter you covered admirably and comprehensively the subject of American attitude toward relations with Japan. I appreciate your having sent me a copy of the letter.

Very sincerely yours,

Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1. Draft reply submitted October 30 by the Secretary of State to President Roosevelt.
  2. Ante, p. 468.
  3. Not printed.