740.0011 P. W./400
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State
The Japanese Ambassador called upon me this afternoon at his request.
The Ambassador made no reference whatever to the publication yesterday of the oil restriction proclamation.80
He again set forth, however, his constant and earnest effort to do everything possible to improve relations between our two countries. He said that he wished me to know that the reason why no reply had as yet been received to the proposal made to him by the President was that the Japanese cabinet was composed of members who operated as individuals and not as an entity under the direction of a president as in this country. He said that the Emperor only intervened in affairs [Page 361] of state when requested to do so. He said that for that reason there was bound to be delay in reaching a decision on a matter which was as important as the President’s proposal, but that he had had word from Tokyo that the question was receiving the earnest and immediate attention of the cabinet members. The Ambassador said that he would inform me immediately of any further word which he might have with regard to this question.
- See White House and Department of State press releases on August 1, Department of State Bulletin, August 2, 1941, p. 101.↩