894.00/1062: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

1030. Embassy’s 1029, July 18, 8 p.m.33 At the time of his assumption of the Commerce and Industry portfolio on April 4, Vice Admiral Toyoda held concurrently the important posts of Vice Minister of the Navy and Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics. He has twice been attached to the Japanese Embassy in London, the second time [in] 1923 as Naval Attaché, and is considered to be friendly toward Great Britain and the United States. According to the Naval Attaché, Toyoda has a high service reputation and is known to be an outstanding Naval administrator. Genuine regret was expressed in Japanese Naval circles when he was retired and given a Cabinet post. He is not known to have any pro-Axis leaning and appears to be very frank, honest and communicative. He has been on very friendly terms [Page 329] with several American and British Naval Attachés (particularly Captain F. F. Rogers, USN). He speaks good English.

  1. Not printed; it listed the principal Ministers of the new Japanese Cabinet, showing that Adm. Teijiro Toyoda had replaced Yosuke Matsuoka in charge of the Foreign Office.