856A.20/31: Telegram

The Minister to the Netherlands Government in Exile (Biddle) to the Secretary of State

Netherlands Series number 20. For the President. Your 3520, September 1, 4 p.m.

Message conveyed to Queen Wilhelmina at 11 a.m. this morning, and at her request, to Prime Minister Gerbrandy at 1 p.m.
Gerbrandy will consult with the Queen this evening and call Cabinet together Thursday morning7 on this matter. Immediately thereafter, he will notify me of decision taken.
He revealed that a small Dutch force of 300 men had already been ordered to Surinam; half from here and half from the East Indies. He felt that if the Government accepted your gracious offer, collaboration Kingdom forces could be readily effected.
It was his belief that the Cabinet would render a favorable decision at tomorrow’s meeting. Meanwhile, the Queen and he wish to express to you their deep gratitude for your suggestion.
  1. September 4.